"Hi! How Are you"
Detta är standard-rasen när man är i USA.
I Sverige får man nästan böja sig ner och vrida sig i en konstig ställning för att ens få ögonkontakt med personalen, men inte i New York- här är vi alla vänner. Dom vill inte veta hur du faktiskt mår och blir förvånade om man ställer frågan tillbaka men dom gör det, för att det är trevligt.
Och efter en vecka hade man vant sig så när jag istället möts av det här utlåtandet när jag komme rin i en butik blir jag lite det kanske är av det han säger snarare än att han inte frågar hur läget är....
"oh do you know who you look like!!?!"
No, who?
så ja om folk som sett mig hade kokat ihop sina egan historier så skulle jag ha Robert Plant som pappa och Drew Barrymore som mamma men jag klagar inte, förutsättningarna känns rätt lovande;D
thats all from me for today, over and out!

who says

Who says I can't get stoned?
Turn off the lights and the telephone
Me and my house alone
Who says I can't get stoned?

Who says I can't be free?
From all of the things that I used to be
Re-write my history
Who says I can't be free?

Who says I can't get stoned?
Call up a girl that I used to know
Fake love for an hour or so
Who says I can't get stoned?

Who says I can't take time?
Meet all the girls on the county line
Then wait on fate to send a sign
Who says I can't take time?

Who says I can't get stoned?
Plan a trip to Japan alone
Doesn't matter if I even go
Who says I can't get stoned?

It's been a long night in New York City
It's been a long time since 20, too
I don't remember you looking any better
But then again I don't remember, don't remember you

It's been a long night in New York City
It's been a long time since 20, too
I don't remember you looking any better
But then again I don't remember, don't remember you

It's been a long night in New York City
It's been a long time since 20, too
I don't remember you looking any better
But then again I don't remember, don't remember you

All you need is a smile

I was standing on the subway on my way home to Z with my leftovers from a restaurant.
A man comes up talks about how he served his country and would like some money to buy food, He looks at me and I say -do you want my pizza?- NO honey I just want a smile. Remeber to always smile.

is it a chickensalad with pasta or a pastasalad with chicken

Okey, is it a chickensalad with pasta or a pastasalad with chicken.
This small problem is making me unnecessarily angry.
It´s just not worth it if I buy a chickensalad and all I get is a plate with salad, pasta in three different colours and four small chickenbites!!
But what do I do about if?!
I do what every swedish person would do; I eat, I smile and runs home and write about on me blog!

Who need a teenage daughter when you have a middle-aged mum

My mum is like most others.
She comes home from work, ask me what Ivé been up to today, complains and tell me what I should do the next day. 
But sometimes it feel like we switch parts.I mean when me and my mum are planning to go 5km in the woods and I walk into the bathroom and see her but on rouge and lipgloss and I screem " for Gods sake Mum we are going out in the woods- no one will see you!" And the answer is "yeah but it´s just a little" and she doesn´t take her eys away from the mirror and smiles. Then I start to believe that I´m the mum and she´s the daughter.
It was the same thing when I didn´t lived under the same roof as her. The conversations over the thelephone sounded like "Oh Martina, what should I wear to this dinnerparty, everybody have already seen that dress" or "How much do I need to pack for a weekend i Stockholm..." Just like a teenager it´s all about you you you!
But I love her she; she is not afraid of what people thinks of her and even if I laugh more at her and with her
she´s still my Mum.<3
"Oh it´s a rabbit, how that a mojito he is drinking?" " It´s not!? I can´t see, give me my glasses!"
That´s the story of today!
Over and out.

I´m feeling-I´m caring-I´m healing-I´m sharing

This is “the modern man” by George Carlin (a tip from a friend of mine)
I should say this sounds like every modern person these days.

And this is the easy way out, we listen to someone who make jokes about how we live- it´s better to laugh about than really take it in, right?



That´s all for today
Over an out.


This is a blog – my blog

About me: I´m this kind of person who thinks, maybe a little too much. I make up the whole situation, the argument, the fight and the make up before the situation even started. Something someone says or do can get stuck on me forever. My friends will probably say that I talk a lot..and fast! Sometimes too fast. But that is just because I´m afraid that someone will interrupt me, and I want to speak til I´m finished: That´s how selfish I am.

And I´m a pessimist,I don´t want to run to a train and I maybe always see the bad before the good. BUT according to the chiniese horoscope I am a metal-Hourse and they are very optimistic.

So this is a page to sort out my life; to shoot out (in words) the frustration about living under the same roof as my parents and my brother, show you photos of something; you know stuff, food, happenings (like something is going to happen in a little town in SMÅLAND) or just take you away into some stupid thought I have and maybe lead you on  to the road of acting - the big passion of mine.

So dear friend, family, stranger; Welcome to this blog- my blog

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